Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, March 13, 2023
Beloved Children, in This Time of Grace, Pray Much to the Holy Spirit, Let the Holy Spirit Guide You, Let Him Mold You, Let Him Love You
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of March 8, 2023

Tonight Mother presented herself as Queen and Mother of All Nations. The Virgin Mary wore a pinkish dress and was wrapped in a large blue-green mantle. The same mantle also covered Her head.The Virgin Mary had Her hands clasped in prayer, in Her hands a long holy rosary beads, white as of light, reaching almost down to Her feet.
On Her head, the Virgin Mary had a crown of twelve stars. Her feet were barefoot. On the world was the serpent that the Virgin Mary held firm with Her right foot.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for being here and responding to this call of Mine.
My children, this evening I turn My motherly gaze on all of you, on each of you, but especially on the sick and suffering.
My beloved children, the sword that pierced My heart under the cross continues to pierce Me because of the sin that is ever more rampant in the world.
Dear children, this evening I ask you to pray in a special way for My beloved Church. Pray children, pray.
Beloved children, in this time of grace, pray much to the Holy Spirit, let the Holy Spirit guide you, let Him mold you, let Him love you.
My children, learn to pray with the heart, do not fill your mouth with words, but pray with the heart.
My children, I invite you to pray at the foot of the cross. The cross should not frighten you. My Son Jesus died on the cross for each of you He died to give you eternal life.
My children, love the cross, do not look at the cross only as suffering, but look at it with love, as a means of salvation. It is the cross that saves.
My children, love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar, He is there alive and true. Approach the sacraments frequently, and the thing I most motherly recommend is holy confession.
Then Mother asked me to pray together with Her for the holy Church, we prayed for a long time.
Then Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.